Keep Bernalillo County Blue!

We are an all-volunteer team focused on three things:

  1. Registering more Democrats to vote.
  2. Turning out more Democrats to vote.
  3. Electing more Democrats to office.
  • 00Days Until Election

September Fest Was Here!

The DPBC’s 2nd Traditional September Fest is coming up on Sunday September 8 from 2-5pm at the Gutierrez Hubbell House in the beautiful South Valley.

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend while we celebrate our democracy with New Mexico & Bernalillo County Democratic leaders and recommit to keeping our county BLUE!

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About the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County

Learn more about who we are, what we do, and how you can help Keep Bernallilo County Blue!

Candidates and Elected Officials

We have outstanding candidates and elected officials. It’s vital that we maintain a blue majority!

Ward and Precinct Resources

Lots of resources for ward and precinct chairs

Democratic Party
Bernalillo County

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